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My name is Yancy. My crew aka "Team Yancy", explores all that is of the paranormal and whatnots. Our main mission is to show the public at large how Aliens are currently using golf courses to colonize the Earth. I document and expose my findings and research via video clips. Myself and other like-minders play up on the daily, always with the goal of exposing the wide variety of paranormal activity going on. I encourage anyone whom be interested to browse the 375+ videos on the YancyCan YouTube Channel.


I (my name is Yancy) have been playing all up on the for four years now. Having played video game golf since the long long ago, it is with solid confidence that I can say that is the best virtual golf experience going. Plus the "community at large" you will meet on the is one of the friendliest, & helpful you can find anywhere.There are many tips & tutorial videos I have made to help you improve your scores on the YancyCan YouTube Channel as well. Follow my proven techniques to lower your score and have the putts dropping with ease. Learn to let the flop shot be your friend, how and when to use backspin, and general stuff such as how to capture a live game "screen shot".There is an open invitation to all players to share any paranormal experiences they may have when on the courses.


I (my name is Yancy) will respond to all those who contact me. Also - please contact me with any questions I might be the right guy for, game tips and such, or if you are seeking membership in The WGT Alien Ambassadors Country Club.Thank You - Pleasure to be on Pinhunters Website!


"Im Not Talking About Saving 4 Bucks on a 12 Pack of Beer Here - I Am Talking About Saving This Planet & The Game of Golf" - YancyCan on Alien Colonization of Earth via Golf CoursesSTAY CONNECTED TO YANCYCAN'S VIDEOS VIA:YOUTUBE CHANNEL: - @TEAMYANCYFACEBOOK: Team Yancy Paranormal ExplorersPARANORMAL PROBLEMS MESSAGE LINE: 503-217-4446Here are some sample videos from the YancyCan YouTube Channel:

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